Indusind Bank L P Savani Branch Surat IFSC Code INDB0001630
Indusind Bank L P Savani Branch Surat IFSC Code is Indb0001630. This branch is located at Surat district Gujarat state. The address of Indusind Bank L P Savani branch is : Indusind Bank Ltd Ground Floor Eon Square Building Shop No 14 A 15 A 16 L P Savani Road Surat 395009. Bank Branch's details are listed below
IFSC Code of Indusind Bank L P Savani Branch
Ifsc Code: | Indb0001630 (used for RTGS, NEFT and IMPS transactions) |
Branch Code: | 001630 |
Bank Name: | Indusind Bank |
Branch: | L P Savani |
Mode Of Payment: | Cash, Cheque, Demand Draft & Net banking |
Timing: | Monday to Friday: 10 AM to 4 PM, Saturday - 10 AM to 4 PM (Except 2nd and 4th Saturday) |
Remittance: | Neft |
CITY: | Surat |
District: | Surat |
State: | Gujarat |
Country: | IN |
Address: | Indusind Bank Ltd Ground Floor Eon Square Building Shop No 14 A 15 A 16 L P Savani Road Surat 395009 |
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The IFSC Code is Indb0001630 Branch code is the last six characters of the IFSC Code. Individual bank branch's details are listed above.
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