MICR Code 307259002 of Idbi Bank Sirohi, Sirohi, Rajasthan

Idbi Bank Sirohi MICR Code is 307259002. This branch is located at Rajasthan state, Sirohi district, Sirohi city and the address is Khandelwal Chatrawas Bhawan Bus Stand Road. Bank Branch's details are listed below.

MICR Code of Idbi Bank Sirohi Branch

MICR CODE: 307259002 (used for RTGS, NEFT and IMPS transactions)
BANK NAME: Idbi Bank
BRANCH: Sirohi
MODE OF PAYMENT:Cash,Cheque,Demand Draft & Net banking
TIMING:Monday to Friday: 10 AM to 4 PM, Saturday - 10 AM to 4 PM (Except 2nd and 4th Saturday)
CITY: Sirohi
STATE: Rajasthan
ADDRESS: Khandelwal Chatrawas Bhawan Bus Stand Road
MICR Code Finder
(Select Bank Name then State then District and then branch)

The easiest way to Find your bank is to select your bank name, select the state and than select your district, finally select the branch of your bank to find bank MICR Code.

Idbi Bank Sirohi Branch MICR Code, address, branch phone number, contact number, email address

Idbi Bank Sirohi is located at Rajasthan state, Sirohi district, Sirohi city and the address is Khandelwal Chatrawas Bhawan Bus Stand Road

The MICR Code is 307259002 Branch code is the last six characters of the IFSC Code - 001613. Individual bank branch's details are listed above.

NEFT Fund Transfer Charges *Excluding Service Tax

Below charges will be applicable for transferring funds under NEFT

Upto Rs.10,000Rs.2.50
Upto Rs.1.00 lakhRs.5.00
Above Rs.1.00 lakh to 2.00 lakhRs.15.00
Above Rs.2.00 lakhRs.25.00

Immediate Payment Service (IMPS)

IMPS stands for "Immediate Payment Service". It is an instant interbank electronic fund transfer service to transfer funds from one account to another immediately and securely. It can be done through various channels such as ATM, Mobile Phones, Internet Banking, etc. This facility has been introduced in 2010 by National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI).

This service is available 24x7, throughout the year which means using this facility a person can transfer or receive money all the time even on Sundays and bank holidays.

IMPS Fund Transfer Charges

Transaction AmountTransaction Charges
Amounts upto Rs 10,000Rs 5 + Applicable GST
Amounts above Rs 10,000 and upto Rs 1 lakhRs 5 + Applicable GST
Amounts above Rs 1 lakh and upto Rs 2 lakhsRs 15 + Applicable GST

Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)

RTGS or Real Time Gross Settlement is a super-fast money transferring method. RTGS is an abbreviation for "Real Time Gross Settlement". RTGS can be defined as specialist funds transfer system to transfer the money from one bank to another on continuous (real-time) and gross settlement basis. It allows the individuals as well as the companies and the firms to transfer funds from one bank to another bank within the country.

RTGS Fund Transfer Charges *Excluding Service Tax

Time of settlement at the RBITransaction SlabCharges*
09.00 am12.00 pmRs.2.00 lakh to Rs.5.00 lakh Above Rs.5.00 lakhRs.25 Rs.51
After 12.00 pm3.30 pmRs.2.00 lakh to Rs.5.00 lakh Above Rs.5.00 lakhRs.26 Rs 52
After 3.30 pm4.30 pm (on week days)Rs.2.00 lakh to Rs.5.00 lakhRs.31