Punjab And Maharshtra Cooperative Bank Amar Colony Branch Address Details and MICR Code 110328002
MICR Code to Punjab And Maharshtra Cooperative Bank Branch
MICR CODE: | 110328002 (used for RTGS, NEFT and IMPS transactions) |
BRANCH CODE: | 000602 |
BANK NAME: | Punjab And Maharshtra Cooperative Bank |
MODE OF PAYMENT: | Cash,Cheque,Demand Draft & Net banking |
TIMING: | Monday to Friday: 10 AM to 4 PM, Saturday - 10 AM to 4 PM (Except 2nd and 4th Saturday) |
DISTRICT: | New Delhi |
STATE: | Delhi |
ADDRESS: | SHOP NO. C-32 TO 33 |
MICR(Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) is numeric nine digit bank code which represent specific bank branch. MICR code usually used in banks check for further check processing. Punjab And Maharshtra Cooperative Bank support NEFT(National Electronics Fund Transfer) and all most all branches has MICR code. Find all branch specific codes at branch details section.
Find complete information of bank branch by MICR Code 110328002 of Punjab And Maharshtra Cooperative Bank branch Amar Colony, located in city, New Delhi district of DELHI state. The address of Amar Colony branch is .
Find all NEFT(National Electronics Fund Transfer) enabled branches of Punjab And Maharshtra Cooperative Bank. The Punjab And Maharshtra Cooperative Bank has branches in the following New Delhi.