How to Check Your CIBIL Score India? Or Check CIBIL Score in Free

Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited (CIBIL) maintains credit related records such as loans, overdrafts and credit cards of the individuals. With the help of this data, it calculates CIBIL Score which is a 3-digit number showing credit worthiness and financial health of a person. Banks and other types of lenders require this score as an efficient and readily available source to information and use it during loan approval process to filter out loan applications.

One can easily check his/ her CIBIL Score and also get CIBIL Credit Report to know his/ her credit worthiness. Each credit bureaus including CIBIL has been mandated by the RBI to provide one free credit report in a year to any individual. However, you may need to check your credit score in order to get updated information of your credit score. You can check your CIBIL score from CIBIL website by paying a nominal fee, in case you want to check it more than one time.

How to Check Your CIBIL Score in India?

In order to check your CIBIL Score in India, you need to follow all the steps as outlined below:

  1. Log in to the official website of CIBIL by clicking on Check CIBIL Score
  2. Enter your personal information i.e. PAN, email address, date of birth and gender
  3. Acknowledge and accept the terms and conditions by checking the box
  4. Click on 'Proceed to Payment' button at the end of the form and make online payment of Rs 550/-
  5. Make the Payment Via Net Banking / Debit Credit / Cash Card
  6. Now Fill up the form in the authentication page
  7. You need to answer 5 questions asked realted to your credit history
  8. If you have answered 3 correctly i.e. if authentication is successful, then CIBIL Credit Report will be sent to you through an email within 24 to 48 hours
  9. If the authentication is not successful, you will have to complete KYC details on Upload KYC Documents
  10. Upload the documents i.e. your Payment Confirmation Form, Address Proof, Identity Proof and other relevant documents, in order to access your CIBIL Score
  11. After verifying your documents, CIBIL Credit Report will be sent to you through an email within 24 to 48 hours

How to Check Your Credit Score Offline?

Outlined below are the ways to check Credit Score offline.

Through Bank: Visit your bank to inquire about your credit score. Your bank can provide you with your credit score. Ask for a physical credit report from your preferred credit bureau. This report will include your credit score along with detailed information about your credit history and accounts.

Through Financial Advisor: A financial advisor can help you check your credit score offline and provide guidance on improving it. He might have access to multiple tools to assess your creditworthiness.

Description of CIBIL Credit Score Range

Credit Score RangeCredit RatingDescription
750-900ExcellentGets instant loan approvals from banks and with negotiable terms on interest rate, tenure, etc.
650-750GoodGets loan approvals from banks but not with negotiable terms
550-650AverageIt suggests a profile that is having difficulty meeting payment deadlines and facing challenges with timely repayment
300-550PoorIt indicates a profile with a history of delayed repayments of loan EMIs and a high risk of defaulting on loan epayment.

Sections of CIBIL Report

Sections of CIBIL ReportContents of Sections
CIBIL ScoreOverview of your credit health
Account InformationAll the details of all your loan and credit card accounts
Profile InformationYour name, date of birth & personal information
Contact DetailsYour addresses, telephone, mobile numbers and email addresses
Employment DetailsYour occupation and income