HP Petrol Pumps in Hoshiarpur District, Punjab State
Search nearest HP petrol pumps by selecting state, district and then taluka to get complete address and location of HP petrol pumps. HP Petrol Pumps in Hoshiarpur District, Punjab State
S. No. | District Name | No. of Petrol Pumps |
1 | Hoshiarpur | 29 |
Hindustan Petroleum is one of the global Fortune 500 company. It is listed on the Bombay Stock exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange (NSE), India.
HPCL owns & operates 2 major refineries producing a wide variety of petroleum fuels & specialties, one in Mumbai (West Coast) of 7.5 Million Metric Tonnes Per Annum (MMTPA) capacity and the other in Visakhapatnam, (East Coast) with a capacity of 8.3 MMTPA.
It has 5514 HPCL retail outlets (Petrol Pumps) in 443 districts across all india. HPCL has about 25% market-share in India among public-sector companies (PSUs) and a strong marketing infrastructure.
HPCL was incorporated in 1974.On 19 July 2017, the Government of India announced the acquisition of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation. On 1 November 2017, the Union Cabinet approved ONGC for acquiring majority 51.11% stake in HPCL. On 30 January 2018, Oil & Natural Gas Corporation acquired the entire 51.11% stake of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation.