Central Bank Of India Agriculture Loan Type

Different Type of Agriculture Loan in Central Bank Of India

Central Bank Of India offers Central Bank Of India Agriculture Loan, Central Bank Of India Purchase of Agriculture Land, Development Of Horticulture Loan in Central Bank Of India, Central Bank Of India Agri Term Loan, Central Bank Of India Crop Loan, retail Agri Loan in the form of "Kisan Credit Card" which is a customised credit card designed for farmers to get immediate credit without any hassle to cover up fund requirements of their day-to-day farm related activities. You can avail for following loan of Central Bank Of India, click on loan to check details of particular loan.

Central Bank Of IndiaCent Agri Land Purchase Scheme
Central Bank Of IndiaCent Kisan Sathi
Central Bank Of IndiaCent Kisan Tatkal Scheme

Why to Avail Agriculture Loan?

  • To meet short-term credit requirements of cultivation of crops
  • Long-term loans to meet agricultural expenses which are not seasonal
  • To buy new machinery, repair/ replace old ones, purchase tractors or harvesters, or any other agricultural equipment
  • Loan for Allied Agricultural Activities
  • For development of the land for setting up farms, minor irrigation activities, etc.