Are You Really Concerned About the Time Taken to Improve Credit Score?

Though it is not possible for anyone to predict the time taken to improve credit score of an individual's accurately, yet it can be assessed that if an attention is paid to improve the score and necessary steps are timely taken in a well organised manner then it may take few months to improve Credit Score.

Improving your credit score is not a very quick process, it is more like a steady issue. Your credit score recalculates each time it gets a request. Its frequency depends on how often banks and other financial institutions report your information to the credit bureaus. For instance, if your credit card company reports payments at month-end, you will not be able to see the impact until that time, even if you paid your bill early in the month.

Factors Affecting Credit Score Improvement

Credit History Length: If you are new to credit, factors like availing a new credit card and paying it off responsibly can have a significant impact. However, if you already have a credit profile, these factors might not move the needle as much.

Current Credit Score: Improving upon a credit score after a dip takes longer than starting with a lower score. Keep in mind that paying 90 days late affects your score more than paying 30 days late.

Timely Pays Off: Credit reporting agencies need to see your consistent and responsible behavior over time. Paying bills on time, timely paying EMIs, etc. contribute to long-term improvement in your credit score.

Improving your credit score is an ongoing effort but if you are able to improve your score, you will get better rates for loans and enjoy financial stability as a result of it.

The question comes in mind that how long can it take to improve credit score? well, if an attention is paid to improve the score and necessary steps are timely taken in a well organised manner then it may take 12 months to 15 months to improve Credit Score.

For making Credit Improvement, the efforts to be made should be consistent over a long period of time by taking care of the factors that can improve your credit score.

If one follows some of the below mentioned habits for repairing his credit score, then a decent Credit Score can be achieved in a short span of time:

  • Avoid enquiring about any credit card from any credit card issuer as it affects your credit score, enquire about it online instead.
  • Make use of your credit cards wisely and never cross their credit limits.
  • Pay your Credit Card Bills well before due date of payment without fail.
  • Avail a gold loan of small amount, pay the EMI for 2 to 3 months and repay your loan. Take another gold loan & again pay its EMI for 2 to 3 months and repay your loan. This will improve your credit score quickly.
  • Start using unused credit card with you and pay the bill before due date. This will lower your credit utilization ratio which is good to improving your credit score.
  • Regularly check your credit reports for inaccuracies. Dispute any errors promptly.
  • If some of your loans are taken at higher interest rate such as home loan, close them and take another loan in the same segment at lower rate. Loan taken at lower interest rate will improve your credit score and will also be beneficial for you as you have to pay less interest.
  • Use your credit cards for paying your utility bills and pay the bill in time.
  • Requesting higher credit limits can improve your credit utilization ratio but do not increase spending.
  • If your credit report is erroneous, raise dispute with credit bureau immediately so that it will not hamper your credit score in future.

One must keep checking his Credit Score and Credit Report periodically in order to assess his own credit worthiness. If the credit score is not upto the mark, he must take necessary steps to improve his credit score immediately by following above mentioned points. One must also get a free credit report from any credit bureau, as each credit bureau has to provide one free credit report annually as per directions issued by the RBI.