How to protect your Debit Card PIN?

You must keep it in your mind that your PIN protection is crucial for your financial security. Your bank sends PIN mailer on your address separately after sending your ATM card. Follow the precautions mentioned in the PIN mailer cover and adhere to the following instructions:

  • Avoid obvious and guessable numbers for your PIN like your birth date, phone number, anniversary date, vehicle number or home address
  • Keep different PINs for different cards
  • You are advised to change your PIN after the initial transaction
  • Cover the keypad when entering your PIN in the ATM machine
  • Keep your PIN a secret
  • Never keep the PIN number with your ATM / Debit cards
  • Never disclose your PIN to anyone including family members, bank staff or the friends
  • Your PIN is your password for the service and it is not necessary to disclose it to anyone
  • Keep changing your PIN periodically
  • Avoid responding to email or phone requests for knowing your PIN
  • If you think, it may have been stolen, change your PIN immediately
  • You can use contactless payments for small payments to avoid skimming