Learner's Licence is valid only for 6 months. When an individual applies for a driving licence for the first time, he is issued a Learner's Licence. It allows you to learn driving with a regular and experienced driver of your choice. The learner's licence holder should get training under the supervision of a Permanent driving licence holder. It is a provisional licence which is valid only for 6 months and is subject to certain conditions as detailed below:
L-plates must be displayed on the front and rear of the vehicle Motorcycle riders must not carry any pillion passenger except your instructor Bus drivers must not carry any passenger except a person giving or receiving instruction.
It is very important to note that driving any vehicle independently by you having Learner's Licence without Co-Passenger (having Permanent Licence) is punishable act with Fine as Learner Licence does not give you permission to drive any vehicle independently, it only allows you to learn and to drive any vehicle in supervision of any friend, relative or person holding a valid permanent driving licence who should accompany the learner during driving.
For applying for a Learner's Licence, you will need to apply in the prescribed format to the Local Transport Office (Local RTO) in your region. You need to apply for it along with following documents:
After verification of your documents, you will have to go through the Learner's Test. Tests on basic driving rules are conducted at the RTOs where you apply for Learner's licence. You can take a help from a handbook of traffic rules, signs and regulations for passing the test. On passing the Learner's Test, you will be issued a Learner's Licence. If you fail the test, you will be given a chance to take the test again for which you again need to pay required fee.